May 15, 2011

Johannes Schoening's CHI 2011 Highlights, Linkfest, and More!

Johannes Shoening has posted some great videos, pictures, and links about ACM-CHI 2011, a conference that recently took place in Vancouver, Canada.  Johannes is the author of the Perspectivevoxel blog, where he shares information about interactive and emerging technologies.

Weekly Linkfest (CHI 2011)

CHI 2011 Highlights in the Area of Interactive Tables and Surfaces

Take a look at a recent article about CHI 2011, by Terry Lavender,  in the on-line version of the Vancouver Observer:

CHI: Computer-Human Interaction shows stunning use of interface technology (5/14/11)

Note:  I have several post about CHI in the works.  Sorry for the delay, I got behind when Blogger was down.

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