May 9, 2011

CHI 2011! - Today's Highlights from the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

I'm happy to share that I was approved for a press pass for the CHI 2011  conference I'm attending in Vancouver, Canada.   (I was one of the organizers for a pre-conference workshop held on Saturday, "Child Computer Interaction: Workshop on UI Technologies and Educational Pedagogy" and will share more information from the workshop in future blog posts.)

The press pass will provide me the opportunity to meet a number of key thinkers/researchers related to the field of Human Factors/Human Computer Interaction.  Here are a few of today's press highlights:

A conversation with ...Howard Rheingold
CHI 2011’s opening session features Howard Rheingold, an acknowledged authority on mobile communications, discussing the evolution and future of social media in teaching and learning. Rheingold, the author of Smart Mobs, innovator, and Stanford University lecturer, explains, "use of social media in higher education teaching sessions can provide opportunities for innovative and meaningful interactions that extend far beyond the traditional face-to-face classroom experience." -CHI 2011

A conversation with...the "PaperPhone Team"
Hang up the iPhone - here comes the paper phone: Bending the device will allow users to make calls and play music Gillian Shaw, Vancouver Sun, 5/5/11
UltraThin 'PaperPhone' bends to user's will Emily Chung, CBC News, 5/5/11

An Interview with Conference Organizers and Interaction Researchers ...
Desney Tan, Conference Chair and Microsoft Research
Bo Begole, Technical Program Co-Char and XEROX Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
Wendy Kellogg, Technical Program Co-Chair and IBM

I can't wait until 4:00 PM - a special tour of the interactive demonstrations - here is the information I received from the CHI 2011 PR coordinator:

SPECIAL PRESS PREVIEW of the Interactive Demonstrations 4:00 - 5:30 PM  INTERACTIVITY PRESS TOUR
"This event will be highly visual & interactive Press Release: Interactive Technologies Showcased at ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction"

I'm sure this will be interesting:
Collecting the History of Interactive Devices
"An exhibit of interactive devices from the past 35 years that point to ways of interacting with computers in the future. First shown at the Vancouver Art Gallery in 2004 (and updated for 2011), the collection documents the history of pen computing, pointing devices, touch technologies, and illustrates the nature of how new technologies emerge." - CHI 2011

Stay updated!
To keep up with my blog posts during the CHI 2011 conference and afterwards, sign up for the RSS feed.  Another option is to follow me on Twitter,  and you'll receive an automatic "tweet" with a link whenever I post something on this blog. 

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