Nov 26, 2011

Revisiting Good Blogs: User Interface Engineering (Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart)

Albrecht Schmidt is a professor at the University of Stuttgart. His main interests include novel user interfaces and innovative applications for ubiquitous computing. His blog, Albrecht Schmidt - User Interface Engineering, serves as his note-pad, full of ideas, deep musings, and great links, including links to good scholarly papers. Below are a few of his posts:

Guests in my multimodal interaction class   
I'd love to take Dr. Schmidt's Multimodal Interaction class!  In this post, Albrecht highlights the presentations of  Nigel DaviesMarc Langheirich, and Rui Jose,  all members of the pd-net project.

Call for Papers:  Symposium on Pervasive Display Networks

Closing Keynote at AMI2011:  Beyond Ubicomp - Computing is Changing the Way we Live
(Pdf version - worth taking a look!)

Percom 2011 in Seatle, keynote

"The PD-NET project aims to lay the scientific foundations for a new form of communications medium with the same potential impact on society as radio, television and the Internet. The goal is to explore the scientific challenges and to assess the new technologies required to enable the emergence of large scale networks of pervasive public displays and associated sensors. This display network will be designed and implemented to be open to applications and content from many sources and thus provide the foundation for work on a new global communications medium for information access and interaction." 

Note:  One of my interest is public displays in public spaces.  If you are interested, take a look at my Flicker collection, Ubiquitous Sightings of Urban Screens: Interactive Displays, Kiosks, and Digital Signage.

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