Feb 22, 2012

Keepin' It Real: Organic, Natural, or Reality-Based Interactions? Video of TEI'12 panel discussion: Bill Buxton, Rob Jacob, Mili John Tharakan, and Roel Vertegaal (and more from TEI '12)

TEI '12 is finishing up in Kingston, Ontario.  If you missed it, like I did, don't worry.  Many of the presentations were streamed live, and are available to watch at your convenience.  
(The panel gets started at about 1: 48 on the timeline)

Keepin' It Real: Organic, Natural or Reality-Based Interactions?
Video streaming by Ustream Moderator: Amanda Parkes, Columbia University 
William Buxton, Microsoft Research
Rob Jacob, Tufts University 
Mili John Tharakan, The Swedish School of Textiles 
Roel Vertegaal, Queen's University

Here are some TEI '12 presentations interest me!
Process Pad: A Low-Cost Multi-Touch Platform to Facilitate Multimodal Documentation of Complex Learning
Shima Salehi, Stanford University
Jain Kim, Stanford University
Colin Meltzer, Stanford University
Paulo Blikstein, Stanford University
Process Pad project website

Exploring peripheral interaction design for primary school teachers
Saskia Bakker Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands 
Elise van den Hoven Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands 
Berry Eggen Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands 
Kees Overbeeke Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands 

Exploring Tabletops as an Effective Tool to Foster Creativity Traits
Mobile Lorm Glove - Introducing a communication device for deaf-blind people
Mobile Lorm Glove project website
The HapticTouch Toolkit: Enabling Exploration of Haptic Interactions

HapticTouch Toolkit from Haptic Touch on Vimeo.

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