Feb 4, 2012

Razorfish Gesture and Touch Platform for the "Retail Experience"

Razorfish Connected Retail Experience Platform (codename "5D") from Razorfish - Emerging Experiences on Vimeo.

The above video is an overview of the "5D" connected retail experience platform by Razorfish Emerging Experience. This concept looks like it was designed for me - someone who loves tech,  has a high need for hassle-free shopping.  Someday I hope I will have the ultimate technology-supported shopping experience : )

Razorfish Press Release

Previous posts:
Interactive Visual Merchandising
Another close encounter with in-store digital display marketing at Best Buy...
Interactions (ACM) Cover Article - "Proxemic Interactions: The New Ubicomp?" Plus - Close encounters with displays at the airport and JC Penney
Pervasive Retail Part 1: Web UX  Meets Retail CX - Screens Large and Small at the Mall, Revisited
Interactive Displays in Public Spaces
Interactive Display with QR Tag: Close Encounter at the Orlando Airport

Retail Customer Experience website
Pervasive Retail

GestureTek: Retail Marketing Solutions: Interactive Screen and Window Display Systems for Advertising in Stores, Malls and Shopping Centers
JC Penney Remodel  Interactive Video
Window Shopping Goes High-Tech With Motion-Sensing Interactive Displays
Bridgette Meinhold, Ecouterre, 9/22/11

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