Apr 14, 2011

Interactive Display with 4,500 Streaming Videos, Powered by a NAND flashcard by Fusion-io

The video wall below streams 4,500 videos through Fusion-io's NAND flash card. It can take care of 1 million transactions per second, the equivalent of 6 gigabytes of throughput per second, according to a recent Computerworld post by Lucas Mearian.


FYI:  Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, serves as Fusion-io's chief scientist.
What a wall of 4,500 video streams looks like
Lucas Mearian, Computerworld 4/12/11
Fusion-IO Jobs (Colorado)
SIGGRAPH 2009 Version of Fusion-io's Streaming Video Wall:

Fusio-io 1

Driving Data Warehousing with ioMemory
Fusion-io Whitepaper 1/11/11
Transcription:  Fusion-io CEO David Flynn on Enabling a New Class of Cloud Computing Apps
Bert Latamore, Wikibon, 4/8/11
"We're talking about a fundamental new building-block. So it impacts and will impact everything in the entire data center. In the database world it typically means that a database server can do about 10X the throughput, for the same server. And those queries are answered 30%-40% faster. So it means faster page loads, more throughput per server. So Answers.com retrofitted their MySQL scale-out database tier and saw 9X the throughput per server. What they chose to do was to shrink the database farm four-to-one. So they got a 75% consolidation, and with that remaining one-out-of-four servers they were still getting more than twice the throughput they had before." - David Flynn

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