Apr 22, 2011

Interactive Visual Merchandising, Interactive Window-Shopping at Nordstrom, Downtown Seattle: "Writing With Light"

Please DO Touch the Glass: Our Interactive Window
Nordstrom Blog, 3/25/11

Nordstorm's Interactive Development, Visual Merchandising and Operations Teams worked on this interactive visual merchandising project, outlined in the following video:

Nordstrom Downtown Seattle: Writing with Light

FYI:  I will be exploring the topic of Pervasive Retail over a series of posts.  Here are some tentative blog post titles:
Interactive Visual Merchandising, Screens Large and Small at the Mall Revisited, Large Displays in Public Spaces (preview of CHI 2011 workshop),  Privacy and Security Issues in Interactive, Cross-Platform/Device Pervasive Retail,  Accessibility and Cognitive Load Issues in Pervasive Retail,  Overview of Retail Customer Experience's resources, and more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice effects ! It makes a much more appealing window to the store, and it is good to offer the customers the possibility to interact with the brand.
I also saw some realisations of a firm called Zamensis ( http://www.zamensis.fr ), which is doing this kind of visual merchandising. The particularity is that they can trigger visual effect such as lights only when people look at a product in a window.
Whatever, this is a good example of sensorial marketing, and I hope all our stores will tend to this kind of merchandising interactions in the future !