Apr 9, 2011

"Playful Interface Cultures" exhibit video showreel, just released (Ars Electronica Festival 2010)

Playful Interface Cultures from Interface Culture on Vimeo.

"This video showreel provides a walkthrough through the "Playful Interface Cultures" exhibition at the Ars Electronica Festival 2010. The works shown were created within the Master and Ph.D. program at the Interface Culture Lab, University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz, Austria." http://www.interface.ufg.ac.at/​

"The exhibition design has been based on traditional Austrian tobacco brands in reference to the historic venue of the former tobacco factory built by the German designer and architect Peter Behrens." -Interface Culture Lab

Georg Russegger
Martin Kaltenbrunner
Michaela Ortner
Varvara Guljajeva
Vesela Milhaylova
Henning Schulze
Reinhard Gupfinger
Technical Support
Mar Canet
Anika Hirt

University of Art and Industrial Design, Linz

TuioKinect, by Martin Kaltenbrunner: "A simple Tuio hand gesture tracker for Kinect"

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