Sensory-Minds is a small company in Germany that is focused on research and design in the field of Natural User Interfaces. If you visit the SENSORY-MINDS website, you'll find that it has been designed for touch interaction.
ring°wall from SENSORY-MINDS on Vimeo.
Information about the Ring Wall from Sensory-Mind's Vimeo site:
".....The two-piece ring°wall consists of a LED display and a multitouch information-wall and impresses by its size: a total surface of 425 square meters, which equals more than 6000 computer displays, is the biggest of its kind. An interactive World emerges out of 34 million pixels generated by 15 high definition projectors and is supported by 30 directional speakers.
Multitouch sensors basing on laser technology, convert the usage of the natural user interface into an experience. By direct touching, more than 80 users can simultaneously get informed about news and activities around the ringworld.
The interactive wall is not only a central information system, but also an innovative advertising tool and medium for public viewings."
Heiko Hoffman of Sensory-Minds recently joined the NUI-Group. Here is a response to a question on the NUI-group forum about the way the system's sensors work:
"The sensor works like spinning radar gun, or like a wiper in a car, that means like a radar gun you get the distance to the object. It’s not quiet difficult when you know the position of the sensor and the degree from the beam to get the X,Y position. Yes, you don’t need to touch the surface but we arranged it that the radar beam is very close to the screen so it seems that you have to touch the surface.
At the moment the system (has) limitations because each sensor (gets) coordinates and this means that you got shadows.This is no problem because the people interact very fast. We are working on a system where the data from the sensors were put together and that would be the solution for this problem."
I'll be writing a few more posts updating the work of past and present NUI-group members as well as news from the commercial multi-touch & gesture community. Be sure to check back soon, or subscribe to this blog!