Apr 4, 2009

The Internet of Things can be Cute: MIR:ROR by Violet

The MIR:ROR application supports memory and interaction with your computers as well as your Web 2.0 applications via a RFID Stamp. You can even figure out the last time you fed your fish!

Here is some of the promotional information from the Violet website:
"Mir:ror makes your everyday objects interactive, intelligent, communicant. Stick RFID Ztamps on them and show them to the Mir:ror: your keys will send e-mail to tell someone you’ve got home, your pills know when you’ve swallowed them, your toys play videos… Thousands of uses you can easily program through a Website."
http://idleparis.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/violet_mir_ror_nabaztag.jpgAlign Centerhttp://www.violet.net/img/mirror.gifhttp://idleparis.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/mirror-300x219.jpghttp://www.violet.net/img/ztamps_banner.gifhttp://www.violet.net/img/nanoztag_home.jpg
"Nano:ztags are lovable micro-rabbits with a RFID Ztamp in their tummy. Program them to play any content or application you choose each time you show them to a Nabaztag:tag or Mir:ror."

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