Oct 23, 2009

Two good articles by Bill Buxton: The Mad Dash Towards Touch Technology; The Long Nose of Innovation

I came a couple of interesting links to a couple of articles from the Putting People First blog. The links are articles written by Microsoft Research principal scientist, Bill Buxton.  If you've never heard of Bill Buxton, he's the guy that was doing multi-touch research way back in the 1980's. 

The Mad Dash Toward Touch Technology
Bill Buxton, Business Week, 10/21/09
"True innovators need to know as much about when, why, and how not to use trendy technology as when to use i."

The Long Nose of Innovation
Bill Buxton,  Business Week, 1/2/08
"The bulk of innovation is low-amplitude and takes place over a long period. Companies should focus on refining existing technologies as much as on creation." 


Multi-Touch Systems that I Have Known and Loved
(Bill Buxton)

I came across Bill Buxton's Multi-Touch website in early 2007 when I was taking HCI and Ubicomp.  I was searching for information about large touch-screen displays and applications for a couple of class projects.  The website was the answer to my graduate student prayers.  On the site, you'll find a fantastic overview of the history of "multi-touch", including gesture recognition and related surface technologies. 

The website has interesting links.  If you have the time, take a look at Buxton's main websitehttp://www.billbuxton.com/. You'll find loads of interesting links. I especially like the links to his Business Week articles.

Bill Buxton is the author of "Sketching User Experiences:  Getting the design right and the right design", a book that I own and recommend.

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